Prof. Agnieszka Andrychowicz-Trojanowska, PhD

Dr hab. Agnieszka Andrychowicz-Trojanowska is a university professor at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. She is a Director of the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication at the UW, Chairman of the Board of Polish Association of Applied Linguistics. Her research interests are related to multilingualism and teaching and learning foreign languages to students with special educational needs (autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia); eye tracking and its use in linguistics and foreign language didactics; teaching English and Russian as a foreign language. In 2018 she published a book Podręczniki glottodydaktyczne. Struktura – funkcja -potencjał w świetle badań okulograficznych (Glottodidactic textbooks. Structure – function – potential in the eye tracking research) devoted to an eye-tracking analysis of textbooks of English and their evaluation. She participated in Erasmus+ HED DIMPE project and research projects financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Developing language competences in secondary school students with developmental dyslexia (2018), Visual attention of secondary school students working with a textbook of English (2016), and Linguistic studies on text from the point of view of perceptual difficulties of a secondary school student (2014-2015). She also took part in Erasmus program in 2013 and 2014, visiting the University of Salerno and University of Pavia. In 2022, together with Pearson publishing house, she recorded two films in the „Asystent SPE” project: „Uczeń z dysleksją na lekcji języka obcego” (Dyslexic school student in a foreign language classroom), and „Asperger syndrom school student in a foreign language classroom„.
Most importantly, she is not only an academic, but also a former teacher of English in the secondary education with almost 20 years of experience there.


Professional background

Scientific interests

  • teaching and learning foreign languages
  • special educational needs (dyslexia, Asperger syndrome, autism spectrum disorder)
  • eye tracking
  • English and Russian as L2

Academic activity

  • Vice-President of the Scientific Discipline Council of Linguistics

Academic education

  • habilitation in linguistics, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw.
    • „Podręczniki glottodydaktyczne. Struktura – funkcja – potencjał w świetle badań okulograficznych” (Glottodidactic textbooks. Structure – function – potential in the eye tracking research).
  • PhD in linguistics, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East-Slavic Philologies (2008)
  • MA in applied linguistics, translation specialization: Russian and English, teaching qualifications, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East-Slavic Philologies (2003)
  • BA in European integration studies, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science (2003).

Membership in scientific associations


  • Erasmus+ HED DIMPE project and research projects financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Developing language competences in secondary school students with developmental dyslexia (2018; participant).
  • Visual attention of secondary school students working with a textbook of English (2016; participant).
  • Linguistic studies on text from the point of view of perceptual difficulties of a secondary school student (2014-2015; participant).
  • ‘Statistics in humanities – workshops for applied linguistics students’ (2020–2021) (Żelazowska-Sobczyk M., Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A.), The Program for the Individualisation of Education.


  • 2020 – individual award of the III level of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for scientific and didactic achievements.
  • 2019 – prize of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for the workers’ excellent scientific and didactic results.

Editorial and reviewer activity

List of selected papers

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2024), O badaniach w (polskiej) glottodydaktyce. Wczoraj, dziś i jutro” (About the research in the field of (Polish) glottodidactics. Past, present and future), (w:) I. Banasiak, M. Jabłońska, G. Pawłowski (red.), Polskie szkoły lingwistyki stosowanej. Jubileusz 50-lecia Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 133-148.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2022), Kim jest uczeń ze spektrum autyzmu – implikacje (glotto)dydaktyczne (Who is an ASD – didactic implications). “Applied Linguistics Papers” 26(4), 1-8.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2022), Od podręcznika do własnych materiałów glotto)dydaktycznych – dlaczego warto przygotowywać je nieco inaczej (From a coursebook to our own (glotto)didactic materials – why we should prepare them in a different way). “Języki Obce w Szkole” 2022/2, 47-58.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2020), Layout changes in the textbook for learning English and their influence on the dyslexic students’ work effectiveness – an eye-tracking analysis. „Beyond Philology” 17(3), 77-94.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A., Grucza S. (2020), The processing of textbook material by learners of English as a foreign language with and without dyslexia: a comparative eye-tracking study. “Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny” 66(1), 3-22.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Podręczniki glottodydaktyczne. Struktura – funkcja – potencjał w świetle badań okulograficznych. (Glottodidactic textbooks. Structure – function – potential in the eye tracking research) Warszawa.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Experimental eye-tracking glottodidactics. “Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny”, 65(1), 88–101.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska, A. (2018), Eksperymentalna glottodydaktyka okulograficzna na przykładzie badań własnych (Experimental eye-tracking glottodidactics based on the author’s studies). “Neofilolog” 50/1, 127–142

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Jak współpracować z uczniem inaczej – o tutoringu słów kilka. (How to work with a school student in a different way – a few words about tutoring). “Języki Obce w Szkole” 1, 60–63.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Eksperymentalna glottodydaktyka okulograficzna na przykładzie badań własnych (Experimental eye-tracking glottodidactics based on the example of author’s own studies). “Neofilolog” 50(1), 127-142.

Andrychowicz- Trojanowska A. (2018), English language fluency and the way Polish school students work with English textbook material on the example of two students. “Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny” 65(4), 544-564.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Parametry okoruchowe ucznia szybko czytającego (Eye-tracking parameters of a speed-reading student). “Applied Linguistics Papers” 25(3), 89-105.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2018), Basic terminology of eye-tracking research. “Applied Linguistics Papers” 2, 123–132.

Bogdanowicz K., Wiejak K., Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A., Grucza S. (2018), Okulograficzna analiza stopnia dostosowania podręczników szkolnych do nauki języka angielskiego do potrzeb uczniów z dysleksją rozwojową. Cz. I: opis problemu badawczego, metodologia i wyniki badań psychologicznych (Eye-tracking analysis of the level of adjustment of textbooks for learning English to the needs of dyslexic students. Part I: description of scientific problem, methodology and psychological tests results). “Applied Linguistics Papers” 25(4), 117–128.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A., Grucza S. (2018), Okulograficzna analiza stopnia dostosowania podręczników szkolnych do nauki języka angielskiego do potrzeb uczniów z dysleksją rozwojową. Cz. II: wprowadzenie do badań okulograficznych (Eye-tracking analysis of the level of adjustment of textbooks for learning English to the needs of dyslexic students. Part II: introduction to eye-tracking studies). “Applied Linguistics Papers” 25(4), 129-143.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2017), Grupa uczniowska na lekcji języka angielskiego – wyzwanie dla nauczyciela (School students group during the lesson of English – a challenge for a teacher). “Linguodidactica” 21, 23–37.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2016), Uczniowskie sposoby i strategie pracy z podręcznikiem do nauki języka angielskiego w obrazowaniu okulograficznym (Secondary school students’ ways and strategies of working with the textbook of English: an eye-tracking study). “Lingwistyka Stosowana” 19, 1–22.

Andrychowicz- Trojanowska A. (2016), Uwaga wzrokowa ucznia szybko czytającego (Visual attention of a speed-reading school student). “Lingwistyka Stosowana” 20, 1–17.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2016), Perception of textbook material by dyslectic and non-dyslectic students: an eye-tracking experiment. “Linguistica Silesiana” 37, 409–427.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2016), Okulografia w glottodydaktyce na przykładzie badań własnych. (Eye tracking in glottodidactics based on the example of author’s own studies). “Komunikacja Specjalistyczna” 11, 103–121.

Andrychowicz-Trojanowska A. (2015), Uwaga wzrokowa ucznia w pracy z podręcznikiem do nauki języka angielskiego (Visual attention of a school student working with a textbook of English). “Komunikacja Specjalistyczna” 9–10, 104–124.

List of selected lectures and presentations

2024, presentation „How SEN and non-SEN students complete reading comprehension tasks: an eye-tracking based evidence”, International Hybrid Conference on Diversity and Inclusivity in English Language Education, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan (on-site participation).

2024, presentation (co-authored with M. Żelazowska-Sobczyk) „Inclusivity in learning English as a foreign language in children with listening attention deficit”, International Hybrid Conference on Diversity and Inclusivity in English Language Education, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan (on-site participation).

2024, presentation „Profile językowe (dwujęzycznych) uczniów z SPE: dyslektycy i uczniowie ze spektrum autyzmu” (Language profiles of (bilingual) school students with special educational needs: dyslexics and ASD ones), 31st conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, Wrocław, Poland (on-site participation).

2024, presentation (co-authored with U. Markowska-Manista and M. Żelazowska-Sobczyk) „Wokół specjalnych potrzeb (edukacyjnych) uczniów z doświadczeniami migracji – perspektywa glottodydaktyczna” (About special (educational) needs of school students with the experience of migration – glottodidactic perspective), 31st conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics,Wrocław, Poland (on-site participation).

2023, presentation „Czy współczesny rodzic potrzebuje tłumacza? Refleksje na temat codziennej komunikacji z dzieckiem w rodzinie jednojęzycznej” (Does a present-day parent need an interpreter? Observations on every-day communication with a child in a monolingual family), „Przestrzenie przekładu 8” conference, Katowice, Poland (on-site participation).

2023, presentation (co-authored with P. Romanowski) „Code-Switching In Transnational Families: Does It Foster Heritage Language Maintenance?”, ISB14 (International Symposium on Bilingualism) conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (on-site participation).

2023, presentation (co-authored with M. Żelazowska-Sobczyk and S. Grucza) „Lingwistyka dla medycyny. Rozważania z okazji otwarcia Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego” (Linguistics for medicine. Considerations on the opening of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warsaw), 30th conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, Poznan, Poland (on-site participation).

2023, presentation „Uczeń z zespołem Aspergera z perspektywy (glotto)dydaktycznej: wnioski z przeglądu literatury” (A school student with Asperger syndrome diagnosis from the (glotto)didactic perspective: state-of-the-art conclusions), 30th conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, Poznan, Poland (on-site participation).

2022, plenary lecture „Kim jest uczeń ze spektrum autyzmu – implikacje(glotto)dydaktyczne” (What is an autism spectrum disorder school student like – (glotto)didactic implications), 29th conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, Gdansk, Poland (on-site participation).

2022, presentation „Why (EFL) textbook layout should be rethought: an eye-tracking perspective”, 66th Annual Meeting of the International Linguistic Association (ILA) Language and Social Justice, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New York (on-site participation).

2022, presentation „How to successfully teach an ASD student? Theoretical and practical approach”, International Hybrid Conference on Diversity and Inclusivity in English Language Education, Bangkok, Thailand (on-site participation).

2022, plenary lecture „O badaniach w glottodydaktyce – wczoraj, dziś i jutro” (Glottodidactic research – past, present, future), Jubilee scientific conference of the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw (on-site participation).

2021, presentation „How effective are Polish dyslexic and non-dyslexic learners of English using EFL textbooks and what can be done to help: an eye-tracking perspective”, New Approaches to Bilingualism and Multilingualism and Language Learning/Teaching Conference, Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus (online).

2021, presentation „Eye tracking as a tool used to help students learning L2: conclusions from the EFL textbook study and hints to be implemented”, 6th International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Technology (Techling2021), Universida de Vigo, Spain (online).

2021, presentation „Speed readers, Aspies, and dyslexics in the classroom: a nightmare or challenge for EFL teachers? Eye-tracking based case studies”, Multilingual Learning: Policies and Practices (MLPP) conference, Cracow, Poland (on-site participation).

2021, presentation „An Aspie in the EFL classroom – what to know and expect and how to work with”, Gorzów Wielkopolski/Poczdam/Linz (online).

2018, plenary lecture „School students and textbook of English in eye-tracking study”, 6th Polish Eye Tracking Conference/2nd Earli SIG 27 Conference, Warsaw.