
April 5-6, 2019

Joanna Osiejewicz, PhD D.Sc.: „Linguistic analysis of Kurt Cobain’s suicide note – between cognition and court truth”.

Anna Bonek, PhD: „A few comments on the subject of the study of legislative translatorics”.

The 28. conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Foreign Languages at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.

The conference gathered almost 70 speakers representing Polish research centers. They presented papers on glottodidactics, translation, general communicology, specialist communication, cognitive linguistics and lexicography.


March 26-27, 2019

Joanna Osiejewicz, PhD D.Sc.: „Multicultural Lawyering in the European Union”.

International conference „Interculturality and Integration of Minorities in the European Union”, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

The conferece was a part of the academic project „The Prohibition of Racial Discrimination in the European Union”, that is funded by the European Commission and conducted at the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Cristina Hermida del Llano.


March 5-7, 2019

Joanna Osiejewicz, PhD D.Sc.: „Towards the Clear and Plain Language in the EU Legal Communication”.

International Workshop „Legal communication in a multilingual and multicultural context”, University of Wuppertal (Germany).