Dr Ali Alsaawi, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia |
![]() Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Newcastle University, UK. He also received his MA in Applied Linguistics from Newcastle University, UK and his bachelor degree in English Language and Translation from Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. He currently holds the position of Dean of graduate studies and scientific research at Majmaah University since 2022. Before that, he was the head of International cooperation and scientific associations (2018-2022), the head of English department (2017-2022) and vice-dean of College of Humanities and sciences for development and quality assurance (2018-2022). He currently teaches sociolinguistics for BA students and discourse analysis for MA students. He has published number of papers in scientific journals in the areas of discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and second language acquisition. He has participated in number of local and international conferences. He supervised number of MA thesis and served as internal and external examiner for MA and PhD thesis. |
Prof. Bruno Arich-Gerz, RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
![]() Associate professor, Dr. phil. (Literature Studies, University of Constance), M.A. English Studies, Spanish Philology and Theatre, Film and Television Studies (University of Cologne). 2002 – 2009 Juniorprofessor for German and English Studies at Darmstadt Technical University, currently teaching at RWTH Aachen University. Since 2015 PI in an Aachen-Wuppertal-Warsaw-Lublin Institute Partnership (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD); short-term lecturer at University of Zimbabwe in 2013 and 2020. Six monographs and co-authorships, peer-reviewed articles on legal communication (Nerz. Dänische Akteure im Netz SARS-CoV-2: Wissen, Kommunikation und (Un)Recht, 2021), literary theory, postcolonial literatures in (and about) Southern Africa, comparative literary studies, Shoah studies (MATATU, Acta Germanica, arcadia, Comparative Literature Studies, European Judaism, others). Advisory Board member of Journal of Namibian Studies, reviewer for FWO (Belgium), NRF (South Africa), DAAD. |
Prof. Gaston Becerra, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
![]() Gastón Becerra is an Assistant Professor in the Social Sciences Faculty at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), and an assistant researcher at CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina). He holds a doctorate in philosophy and a bachelor’s degree in sociology, both from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a master’s degree in epistemology and history of sciences from the Universidad de Tres de Febrero. His research focuses on big data, both as a social-technological complex phenomenon, and as a methodological and epistemological challenge for social sciences. |
Prof. Gaetano Dammacco, University of Bari „Aldo Moro”, Italy |
![]() Full professor of ecclesiastical and canon law at Department of Law of the University of Bari „Aldo Moro”. Coordinator of international and national research projects. Director of the “Euro-Balkan Law and Economics Review”. Expert in sociology of religion, director and teacher of university masters. Visiting professor at several foreign universities (Albania, Poland, Spain). Organizer of national and international conferences, in particular with universities of Albania, Spain, Poland, Angola, South Korea. Member of scientific committees of legal journals. Ministerial evaluator and member of the university evaluation groups. He is coordinator of international inter-university conventions and collaborates with international organizations, i.a. the Community of Mediterranean Universities-CUM. Member of university recruiting commissions; member of academies and cultural associations. He was responsible for the internationalization of the University of Bari with intense activity in the Balkan countries. Responsible for scientific research in the field of human rights and religious freedom. One of his monographs entitled „Rights and Religions in the Mediterranean Crossroads” is translated into Arabic, published in Syria / Lebanon by the Atlas Publishing House. |
Prof. Marina Dei, National Aviation University in Kiev, Ukraine |
![]() 2010 – 2015 she was a Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She successfully implemented the 4 years joint master’s program between universities of Ukraine and Bulgaria. Her academic interests focus on the harmonization of the legislation of Ukraine and the European Union in the field of labor rights protection. She has been organizer of more than 10 international and Ukrainian academic conferences. |
Prof. Veysel Dinler, Hittite University, Çorum, Turkey |
![]() He received his MA degree from the Süleyman Demirel University Department of Public Administration in 2003 with the MA thesis entitled “The European Convention on Human Rights and Political Parties”. He obtained a second MA degree from Police Academy Department of Crime Research in 2009, completing a thesis entitled “Obtaining Evidence in Turkish Criminal Procedure Law”. He obtained his PhD in 2013, with a doctoral dissertation on “The Limits to State Power in Criminalisation and Punishment”. Since 2008, he has been an instructor at the Hitit University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Since 2014, he has been a faculty member at Hitit University. His research interests include constitutional studies, human rights, criminology, and criminal law. He holds courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. |
Prof. Cristina Hermida del Llano, King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain |
![]() Has collaborated in the teaching of seminars, conferences, masters’ courses in numerous Spanish and foreign universities, including the United States, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Holland, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Chile, Peru, Cuba, Taiwan and Mexico. |
Piotr Kapusta, PhD, University of Zielona Góra, Poland |
![]() Since 2014, he is an attorney-at-law (radca prawny) – since 201,9 at the Bar Association in Zielona Góra. His research interests are: labour law, coordination of social security systems and constitutional law |
Prof. Uwe Kischel, University of Greifswald, Germany |
![]() He has taught, inter alia, at Irkutsk State University, University of Wroclaw, University of Latvia, Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole, Université de Rouen Normandie, and Universidad Externado de Colombia. He is chairman of the Section of Public Law in the German Society of Comparative Law, member of the executive committees of that Society and of the International Association of Constitutional Law, and elected member of the International Academy of Comparative Law. He is also a member of the German-Polish Administrative Law Colloquy, and the German-French Discussion Group on Public Law. He has published, in particular, on German Constitutional Law, European Law, and Comparative Law, and is the author of a major treatise „Comparative Law” as well as the new co-editor of the German Handbuch des Staatsrechts. |
Prof. Konrad Lachmayer, Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU) in Vienna, Austria |
Dr. Lachmayer studied law at the University of Vienna and spent research stays at the University of Cambridge, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg and at the Central European University in Budapest. In 2010, Konrad Lachmayer was awarded the Venia docendi in constitutional law, administrative law and European law at the University of Vienna. From 2013/14 to 2016/17 he was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Law of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Research Fellow at Durham Law School in England. |
Prof. Andrew Massey, King’s College London, United Kingdom |
![]() In the recent past he has been Vice President of the European Group for Public Administration, a Trustee of the UK’s Political Studies Association and Chair of the UK’s Joint University Council. He has worked in a variety of jobs on secondment, including the UK’s Department of Energy and projects for the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury (author of the „Massey Report”). He has worked with or advised at some time the National Audit Office and a wide range of UK public sector bodies and International NGOs. He is the author of over 80 published books and papers, including more than twenty books as author or contributing editor. He has been Head of the Department of Politics at the University of Exeter for nine years and is now the Associate Dean for Social Science in the College of Social Science and International Studies. |
Prof. Renato Braz Mehanna Khamis, Santa Cecília University, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
![]() Full Professor of the Santa Cecília University (Brazil), currently gives lectures in the graduation course of law (JD) and in the master program of law (MSc) of the mentioned university. He is an Invited Professor of the specialization course of constitutional Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil), and also a Visiting Professor of Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland). He collaborates as an article evaluator for many top ranked Brazilian law reviews. His research field is public law, with special focus on applied fundamental rights problems. Graduated in law (JD) at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, he achieved the titles of Master in Science (MSc) and Philosophy Doctor (PhD) in the same institution. Autor of two books, has chapters in collective publications and several articles published in national (Brazilian) and international reviews.
Prof. Maria Cristina Paganoni, University of Milan, Italy |
She is the author of the volumes City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectives, Discursive Strategies and Multimodality (2015), Framing Big Data: A Linguistic and Discursive Approach(2019), as well as several book chapters and journal articles in international peer-reviewed publications. Discourses of tourism and mobility, gender violence and media coverage, and public health issues in legal and political communication, in a cross-cultural European perspective and especially in response to the pandemic, are her current research focus. She participates in the 4EU+ Alliance project ‘Transnational Legal Communication on COVID-19: From Institutional to Popular Discourse’ (with University of Warsaw as PI, University of Copenhagen, Charles University, Prague, and RWTH Aachen University). |
Andra Nicoleta Puran, PhD, University of Pitești, Romania |
![]() Lecturer at Faculty of Economic Sciences and Law, University of Pitești, Romania. She graduated in Law at University of Pitești, Romania and in Entrepreneurship at Universite XII Paris, France. In 2014 , she received a PhD in Law in the field of Labour law from the University ”Titu Maiorescu” in Bucharest, Romania. Also, between 2014 and 2015 she was a postdoctoral researcher with scholarship from the University ”Titu Maiorescu” in Bucharest, Romania. Since 2008 she is teaching law at University of Pitesti. She was also parliamentary advisor for the Romanian Parliament. Begining with 2018 she is a member of Academic network on the European Social Charter and social rights- A.N.E.S.C. She is author and coauthor of over 80 publications in the field of constitutional law, labour law, human rights and international law. |
Prof. Dagmar Richter, e.o. Professor (University of Heidelberg) / Associate Professor (University of the Saarland), Germany |
![]() She is a jurist, doctor of both law (Dr. utr.) and habilitated at the University of Heidelberg in German and Comparative Public Law, International Law and Modern Constitutional History. She has held a number of temporary professorships in public and international law at German and Swiss universities and was full Professor at the Polish Institute for Legal Studies of the Academy of Sciences. Currently, she is conducting research in Germany again and teaches International Law at the Europa-Institut of the University of the Saarland (Saarbrücken). Her numerous publications relate to public international law and European Law, particularly international human rights law, national minorities law, anti-discrimination law, as well as German and Swiss constitutional law including comparative public law. |
Prof. Peter Robson, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom |
![]() In the past decade he has extended the focus of his doctoral thesis on legal theory and sociology of law from the work of judges into coverage of how popular culture affects the practice of law. In addition to writing in the area he has developed undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Law, Film and Popular Culture which he has taught in Universities in Scotland, Portugal, Spain and Argentina. He has written widely on law, film and television in journals and edited collections including co-editing Law and Film (with Stefan Machura) in 2001. |
Prof. Daniel-Mihail Şandru, Romanian Academy, Romania |
![]() He is Ad hoc Judge at the European Court of Human Rights as well as Arbitrator at the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania. He is the editor in chief of the Romanian Journal of European Law (Revista Română de Drept European) – Wolters Kluwer, and member in scientific committees of certain other significant law journals in Romania. |
Prof. Piotr H. Skarżyński, Institute of Sensory Organs, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Kajetany, Poland |
![]() Specialist in ENT, pediatric ENT, audiology and phoniatrics, and public health. Participated in the 3rd Stakeholders Consultation meeting during which the World Hearing Forum of WHO was announced. A member of the Roster of Experts on Digital Health of WHO, Board Member and Institutional Representative of the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH), President of the International Advisory Board of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), member of Congress and Meeting Department of European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology (EAONO), Regional Representative of Europe of International Society of Audiology (ISA), Vice-President of Hearring Group, Auditor of European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS), member of the Facial Nerve Stimulation Steering Committee, and Board Secretary of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists, Phoniatrists and Audiologists (TOFAP). Consultant Committee of International Experts of CPAM-VBMS (for special invitation). Member of the Council of National Science Center (NCN). Expert and member of numerous national organizations. Moreover, an expert and reviewer of national and international projects, and a reviewer of national and international scientific journals, mostly with Impact Factor value. |
Alicja Syska, PhD, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom |
![]() Alicja has lectured at the University of Plymouth since 2006, teaching and developing courses in American History, Popular Culture, Visual Culture (Film) and World History. Currently, she divides her time between her academic and pedagogic practice after expanding into Learning Development in 2015. In addition to her subject specialism, she also teaches English for Academic Purposes and freelance copy-edits academic publications. |
Prof. Miruna Tudorascu, „1st December 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania |
![]() She is a Member of Editorial board of the journal „Annales Universitatis Apulensis”, University “1 Decembrie 1918”of Alba Iulia, Faculty of Law. She is also Coordinator of the Circle of private law at the Faculty of Law, University “1 Decembrie 1918”of Alba Iulia. She is an active conference organizer for university teachers and students. She specialises in Private Law/Civil Law. She has 12 years of experience in Universitary Education, 9 years experience as a Bar lawyer (Hunedoara Bar) 5 years experience as a legal counsellor. |
Prof. Attila Vincze, Andrassy University of Budapest, Hungary |
![]() Prof. Vincze taught public law in Budapest at the Eötvös Loránd University between 2003 and 2012. He spent the academic year 2010/11 at the University of Hull (UK) as lecturer in law with focus on European and British public law and acting as convenor for Constitutional law. Since 2012 he has been senior lecturer and later associate professor and Vice Dean at the German speaking Andrassy University of Budapest. His foci are public law, European and comparative law with more than hundred Hungarian and international publications. |
Prof. Luping Zang, China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, China |
![]() In addition to his academic career, he has worked for many years as a lawyer (he is an active member of Chinese Bar Association) and investigator in cases related to economic and organized crime. He has also worked for a number of prosecutorial and investigative agencies in numerous countries ranging from China to Trinidad. He was involved in establishing and supporting specialized intercultural legal language comparative study and research teams in a wide range of jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, China. Professor Zhang is the Associate Chief Editor of the International Journal of Legal English. He received his PhD from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China. He also was awarded an Honorary Director by the Language and Evidence Center, University of the Birmingham partly in recognition of his contribution over many years and in particular for his work in forensic linguistics. His areas of research are the role of the law in promoting integrity and in particular the role of language and rhetoric associated with the inter-play of different legal systems and the civil and criminal law. He has written and contributed to numerous books on such issues as rhetoric in Chinese and American trials, the construction of witness testimony and judges identity. |