Prof. David Poveda, PhD

I work in the School of Psychology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses on developmental and educational psychology, migration and education and technology and education and, for several years, I have been actively involved in advising and training in relation to qualitative and ethnographic research methods. My research covers several topics and I have been involved in research funded by Spanish public research programs, the European Union or international organizations. My work gravitates around three interrelated themes: (1) Children’s linguistic and semiotic practices in a variety of socio-educational contexts; (2) Understanding diverse social conditions (i.e. cultural, institutional, ethnic, gender/class-based, of family type or geographical location) under which developmental and educational processes take place and social inequalities are produced in contemporary childhood; (3) Methodological issues connected to research on these topics. My research agenda is centrally focused on contemporary social transformations and digital media and technologies have been a recurrent concern across numerous research projects and publications.  I am also actively engaged in scientific organizations and dissemination. I was editor-in-chief of the journal Linguistics and Education between 2015-2018 and was part of the elected management board of EDiSo (Asociación de Estudios sobre Discurso y Sociedad) between 2019-2023. At the moment I am co-chair of Hub 5 focused on Digital and Technological Transformation within the EU CIVIS University Consortium ( I am also co-leader of the UAM research group„Infancia contemporánea / Contemporary childhood”.



2001: Doctor in Psychology, Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

2011: Master of Arts (MA) in Social Anthropology, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (United Kingdom).

1996: Master of Education (M.Ed) in Educational Psychology, Loyola University Chicago (USA).

1995: NESA (Network Educational Science Amsterdam) Certificate, Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) – Programs: Youth Care and Special Education / Race and Ethnic Studies in Education.

1994: Licenciate in Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).


2003-current: Assistant / Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

1999-2003: Assistant Professor, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).

1999: Assistant Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

1997-1999: Instructor, Suffolk University Madrid Campus (Spain).


2021-2023: Project: „E-Belong: Sense of Belonging in Online Learning Environments”. Financed by the EU – Erasmus+ Program (Project 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095475). Coordinating Institution: Universitatea din Bucuresti. Post: Co-Coordinator, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

2022-2025: Project: „Technologies for a healthy lifestyle? A collaborative study to develop critical pedagogies about digital health with and for youth (SaludDigitalEdu)”. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Principal Investigator: María José Camacho Miñano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Ref: PID2021-122672OB-I00). Post: Researcher.

2021-2024: Project: „Challenging stigma: Educational discourses and creative and inclusive practices with digital media in difficult schools”. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Principal Investigator: María Begoña Vigo, Universidad de Zaragoza. (Ref: PID2020-112880RB-I00). Post: Researcher.

2021-2023: Project: „Rethinking adoption from children’s perspectives: History, transitions and relations in children adopted in Childe” . Funded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development. Principal Investigator: Irene Salvo, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. (Ref: FONDECYT No.11200491). Post: International Research Advisor.

2015-2019: COST Action „The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY)”. Funded by the EU Framework Program Horizon 2020. PGH: Jackie Marsh, The University of Sheffield. (Ref: Cost Action IS1410). Post: Member / Country coordinator / Working group co-coordinator.

2015-2018: Project: „The appropriation of English as a global language in Castilla-La Mancha secondary schools: A multilingual, situated and comparative approach)”. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Principal Investigator: Ana María Relaño-Pastor, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Referencia: FFI2014-54179-C2-2-P). Post: Researcher.

2013-2014: Project: “Children’s conceptions and experiences about family and family diversity: Comparative visual studies between Spain and USA”. Funded by the UAM-Santander Program for International Cooperation. Post: Co-Principal Investigator.

2013-2014: Project “Becoming citizens in times of crisis: Latino immigrant youth in Spain”. Financed by the Spencer Foundation (Ref: 201300130). Principal Investigator: Andrea E. Dyrness, Trinity College, Hartford, CT. Post: Researcher.


Poveda, D; Thomson, P. and Ferro, L. (eds). (2018). Ethnographic explorations of the arts and education (Special Issue). Ethnography and Education, 13 (3).

Poveda, D; Matsumoto, M; Morgade, M. and Alonso, E. (2018). Photographs as a research tool in child studies: Some analytical metaphors and choices. Qualitative Research in Education, 7 (2), 170-196.

Poveda, D. and Ferro, L. (2018). Una introducció a „Joventut, participació y experiències en la ciutat”. Kultur: Revista Interdisciplinària sobre la Cultura de la Ciutat, 5 (9), 19-26.

Alonso, E; Poveda, D. and Morgade, M. (2019). La „kedada” como espacio colectivo para la construcción de la familia adoptiva. Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano, 15 (1), 1-15.

Poveda, D. (2019). Bilingual beyond school: Students’ language ideologies in bilingual programs in South-Central Spain. Foro de Educación, 17 (27), 11-36. (Special Issue: Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts / Perspectivas etnográficas a la enseñanza y aprendizaje en contextos multilingües).

Poveda, D; Giampapa, F. and Relaño-Pastor, A. (2020). Gatekeeping the interactional order: Field access and linguistic ideologies in Content and Language Integrated Learning-type bilingual education programs in Spanish secondary schools. Qualitative Research, 20 (6), 854-873.

Poveda, D; Matsumoto, M; Sundin, E; Sandberg, H; Aliagas, C. and Gillen, J. (2020). Space and practices: Engagement of children under 3 with tablets and TVs in homes in Spain, Sweden and England. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 20 (3), 500-523.

Relaño-Pastor, A. and Poveda, D. (2020). Native speakerism and the construction of CLIL competence in teaching partnerships: Reshaping participation frameworks in the bilingual classroom. Language and Education, 34 (5), 469-487.

Poveda, D. and Jociles, M.I. (2021). Experimentando con tareas visuales para investigar las representaciones infantiles sobre la familia en contextos de diversidad familiar. Sociedad e Infancias, 5 (número especial), 49-60.

Poveda, D; Morgade, M; Cruz, I; Piñeiro; N. and Gallego, R. (2021). Ethnographic „experimental collaborations” as practitioner methodology. The Qualitative Report, 26 (5), 1476-1496.

Moustaoui, A. and Poveda, D. (eds). (2022). Special Issue: Family Language Policy and the family sociolinguistic order in a neoliberal context. Sociolinguistic Studies, 16 (2-3).

Moustaoui, A. and Poveda. D. (2022). Family language policy and the family sociolinguistic order in a neoliberal context: Emergent research issues. Sociolinguistic Studies, 16 (2-3), 179-201. (JCR)

Galera, N. and Poveda, D. (2022). Infants’ communicative ecologies and language policies in two Spanish contemporary families. Sociolinguistic Studies, 16 (2-3), 223-255.

Poveda, D; Mendoza, K. and Matsumoto, M. (2023). Barreras de acceso a la educación infantil (0-3 años) para las familias en riesgo social: Análisis de los discursos de familias y profesionales en cinco áreas metropolitanas de España. Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(2), 427-436.

Matsumoto, M; Macías, B; Mendoza, K. and Poveda, D. (2023). Families at social risk and access to 0-3 Early Childhood Education and Care in Spain: A model to understand diverse conditions in the current system. Culture and Education / Cultura y Educación, 35(3), 588-621.

Poveda, D; Matsumoto, M; Aliagas. C. and Vázquez, D. (2023). Ensamblajes domésticos, infancia temprana y medios digitales. Athenea Digital, 23(3), 1-24.

Salvo, I. y Poveda, D. (2024). “No more secrets, it’s over!”: Small stories about late adoption disclosure from Chilean adults. Journal of Family Studies, 30 (1), 104-128.


Ferro, L. and Poveda, D. (eds.), (2019). Arts and ethnography in a contemporary world: From learning to social participation. Londres: The Tufnell Press.

Poveda, D. (2020). Researching digital literacy practices in early childhood: Challenges, complexities and imperatives. In O. Erstad, R. Flewitt, B. Kümmerling-Meibauer and I. Pereira (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood (pp. 45-63). Londres: Routledge.

Morgade, M; Aliagas, C. and Poveda, D. (2020). Reconceptualizing the home of digital childhood. In O. Erstad, R. Flewitt, B. Kümmerling-Meibauer and I. Pereira (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood (pp.109-122). Londres: Routledge.

Matsumoto, M; Poveda, D; Jorge, A; Pacheco, R; Tomé, V; Aliagas, C. and Morgade, M. (2021). Family mediating practices and ideologies: Spanish and Portuguese parents of children under three and digital media in homes. In D. Holloway, M. Wilson, K. Murcia, C. Archer and F. Stocco (Eds.), Young children’s rights in a digital world: Play, design and practice (pp. 29-44). Springer.

Patiño-Santos, A. and Poveda, D. (2023). Bilingual education: English and the life projects of youth in contemporary Spain. In E. Codó (ed.), Global CLIL: Critical, ethnographic and language policy perspectives (pp. 149-173). Londres: Routledge.

Aliagas, C., Chaudron, S., Di Gioia, R., Kotrla Topić, M., Letnes, M.-A., Lobe, B., Matsumoto, M., Mifsud, C. L., Poveda, D. and Velicu, A. (2024). Studying the media education practices of young children at home: Methodological lessons from a cross-national qualitative study on digital activities at home. In P. Fastrez and N. Landry (eds.), Media literacy and media education research methods: A handbook (pp. 45-61). Routledge.

Aliagas, C. and Poveda, D. (eds.) (2024). Artefacts for collaborative research with youth. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Poveda, D.; Morgade, M.; González-Patiño, J.; Casla, M.; Rujas, I.; Cuevas, I. and Vegas, M.T. (2012). Los hábitos lectores de los adolescentes sordos: Una mirada social y cualitativa. Papers infancia_c, nº 3, 1-23.

Matsumoto, M; Aliagas, C; Morgade, M; Correro, C; Galera, N; Roncero, C. and Poveda, D. (2016). Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology. A qualitative exploratory study: National report of Spain. Madrid/Barcelona/Ispra: Joint Research Centre / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Aliagas, C; Matsumoto, M; Morgade, M; Correro, C; Galera, N. and Poveda, D. (2017). Young children (0-8) and digital technology – What changes in one year? (Spain National Report). Papers Infancia_c n° 20, 1-65.

Gillen, J; Matsumoto, M; Aliagas, C; Bar-lev, Y; Clark, A; Flewitt, R; Jorge, A; Kumpulainen, K; Marsh, J; Morgade, M; Pacheco, R; Poveda, D; Sairanen, H; Sandberg, H; Scott, F; Sjöberg, U; Sundin, E; Tigane, I. and Tomé, V. (2018). A Day in the Digital Lives of Children Aged 0-3: Final Report. DigiLitEY ISCH COST Action 1410 Working Group 1: Digital Literacy in Homes and Communities.

Matsumoto, M; Aliagas, C; Morgade, M. and Poveda, D. (2019). National Report of Spain: «A Day in the Digital Lives of 0-3 Year Olds». Papers infancia_c, nº 22, 1-35.

Matsumoto, M; Poveda, D; Aliagas, C; Macías, B; Martínez, V; Mendoza, K. and Rodríguez, S. (2019). Estudio sobre las percepciones y barreras de acceso a la educación infantil de primer ciclo (0-3 años) en familias desfavorecidas. Papers infancia_c nº 24, 1-47.