Legal Communication in the Examination of Witnesses: Between Mind and Myth

On November 27, 2019, Joanna Osiejewicz gave a lecture to the academic community of the German speaking Andrássy University Budapest. The lecture was devoted to the topic „RECHTSKOMMUNIKATION IN DER ZEUGENVERNEHMUNG: ZWISCHEN VERSTAND UND MYTHOS”.

There are three types of witnesses. A friendly witness wants you to win and is ready to help. A neutral witness does not care who wins. A neutral witness either does not want to interfere or is ready to testify from a sense of commitment to the justice system. An enemy witness wants you to lose and is ready to say and do things that hit you hard. The lecture attempted to answer the questions whether the witness is a strong source of evidence, why eyewitness testimonies are believed, how to prepare a witness to be heard, and whether the memory of witnesses can be manipulated.